Seniority is a Normal Value within Thousand Years : Baby Boomer Generation, Millenial Generation to Generation Z (Gen Z)

Hello there,

These couple years i was knowing about a classification of generations within 100 years past, they are Baby Boomer Generation, Millenial Generation plus Generation Z (Gen Z). As we know, the first 5 decades of previous century there were 2 great wars on Earth, and the casualties were great also.

Then, as our understanding or my understanding, we could think that the generations (baby boomer generation, millenial generation plus gen z) are after the 2 great wars on Earth, approximately since year 1950. We could think or analyze that since year 1950 to year 2000 are the born of Baby Boomer Generation and Millenial Generation while the Gen Z, most of the Gen Z not watching the transition of Millenium, it were Year 1999 Date 31 Dec to Year Date 1 Jan 2000. Yeps, there are 3 kinds of adult people that are living on Earth ’till this year.

But there are plenty negative stigma toward Gen Z.

When i was not reach 21 years old, within my teenager years, i was read that Millenial Generation (it’s my generation) got negative stigma also, yeps, The Millenial Generation was got negative stigma also, back then (Year 2000 to Year 2010).

Okay, this is this article about.
Wish our future the best of luck, amien…!

Warm & Kind Regards


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