Traffic : A Term in Online World

Hello there,

I’d like to explain about what is Traffic in Online World in this post. But first i’d like to inform what are term in TV’s Broadcast World and Newspaper World : the term in TV’s World is Rating while in Newspaper World is Ravel (oplah/tiras in Bahasa Language).

The term in online world is Traffic,it is how to determine how much your website/blog get visits in some lengths of time. The term is name Traffic because The Internet is just like a street/road. Then imagine this, if websites are buildings then The Internet is a street/road. In other definition, you may define Traffic is how popular or how famous is your website.
Then, the more your website’s traffic the more popular is your website.

Okay, that’s all this post, may this good information for you.
Wish you all the best of luck for years, amien…!

Warm & Kind Regards


One response to “Traffic : A Term in Online World”

  1. […] I’d like to share a knowledge in Online World, it’s Traffic Exchange. But first, you would like to read previous article by click here. […]

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